I am redoing a site that is currently comprised of regular html type
files that I built with NetObjects Fusion.

I am redoing it in php, now that I have seen the light of php.

I am looking for suggestions for web organization and web page naming,
i.e. the urls, for search engine optimization, and just general
thoughts anyone may have on url naming and web site organization.

For example, I have some data pages that I could name:


if everyone thinks this is a good idea.

I have also heard that the url format below is now acceptable by


I was always told this was a no-no with Google, but I have noticed
Google still serves up pages that use this convention high in their
search returns.

I prefer the / method. It looks nicer, but I am not wedded to it if
you think the ? method is better.

But aside from the obvious "data pages", ie pages that I use to
organize similar items, like the cars models above, (fictitious of
course) or pages on states, counties, and cities, how would other
people go about naming and organizing web pages?

The way I am build my pages and using php is very simple:

I don't have the time to get a MySQL database going, so instead I have
created several text files that are .php files. These are used to
create the basic formatting of the page. Then I include other text
files to bring in the content. It is simple but works well.

Is anyone else using php this way? Do you have any suggestions for
site organization and file naming conventions?

Thanks for any help.