I'm coding up a small little script that's supposed to be used to
display the number of hours until the US Financial markets open/close.
Naturally, this involves getting the current time on the eastern
seaboard, which, upon reflection, seems a little more difficult than I'd

This is largely because of daylight savings time. It's easy to grab
UTC/GMT time using javascript and subtract 4/5 hours. The thing that
doesn't seem trivial is how to determine which -- how to determine if
(a) the script viewer is in a location which has daylight
savings/standard times and (b) if so, whether or not daylight savings is
in effect.

I can grab the local time as a string, and regexp against it for
"Daylight" -- however, since not all regions use this, it's clearly not
a reliable method.

Any ideas?



Taking Pictures During Dreams
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