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John W. Krahn
Brihas Sarathy wrote:
I learned something new and thought you may be interested.


I have a text file in UNIX format (i.e. UNIX EOL) to which I would
like  to  do the following:
FOR {each blank line} WHERE {the subsequent line starts with a digit
(i.e.  1-9)},
{add a % to the blank line} AND {delete the subsequent line (i.e. the
one  starting with a digit)}

Solution # 1
perl -i.bak
-ne'/S/?print:(($a=<>)=~/^d/)?print"%$_":do{print;$_=$a;redo}' yourfile

My Comments: Works as advertised, but I don't understand what all the
code  means :(
Solution # 2

bash programs make heavy use of awk and sed (and other little
languages and utilities) to do what they do. bash on it's own is
pretty weak but it's power is that it integrates so well with other
shell utilities. This could have been done with sed. However,
Perl's "s" flag for regular expressions, which tells it to treat
new lines just as any other character when matching, makes it
easy to do this in Perl. I've attached a little script. This
is the heart of it:

1 while $buf =~ s{nn([0-9][^n]+)n}{n%n};

The "1 while /pattern/" idiom is great if you have a nested or overlapping
pattern but your example does not. The character class [0-9] could have been
written as d and the character class [^n]+ could have been written as .+.
So to sum up that line could have been written as:

$buf =~ s/(?<=n)n(d.+)/%/g;

Normally this would be written without the "1 while", but the
next match could (and often does) start in the text that was
substituted in, so this will try again from the start after each successful
match and finally stop after it fails to find any match.

I'm using the { } characters to bracket the matching pattern and
the replacement text portitions of the regular expression to make
it more readable. This could have been written like s/// instead
of s{}{}.

The matching pattern is the newline, a digit (0-9, which could also
have been written as d, but in this example written as [0-9]), a span
of  any
number of any character except the newline (written as [^n]+), and then
two newlines (nn) in a row which indicates a blank line (the end of
one line which probably had something on it and then another line end
immediately without anything on it).

When that matching pattern is found, the text n%n (n translates
to a newline) is substitued in.

The rest of the program is just reading the first argument, doing file
I/O, and error handling (the "or die" clauses). Error handling tries to
insure that the original file isn't overwritten if something goes wrong
and other bad scenarios I could think of. To be more user friendly, the
print statement could have had an "or die" on it to detect a suddenly
full disc and other scenarios =)

<--START perl code--

use strict;
use warnings;

=begin comment

FOR {each blank line} WHERE {the subsequent line starts with a digit
(i.e. 1-9)},
{add a % to the blank line} AND {delete the subsequent line (i.e. the
one starting with a digit)}


my $fn = shift @ARGV; # first command-line argument

open my $f, '<', $fn        or die "usage: $0 <infile>";
read $f, my $buf, -s $f  or die "could not read from file $fn: $!";
close $f;
rename $fn, "$fn.orig"  or die "could not rename $fn to $fn.orig: $!";
open $f, '>', $fn            or die "could not open $fn for writing: $!";

1 while $buf =~ s{nn([0-9][^n]+)n}{n%n};

print $f $buf;
close $f;
<--END perl code--

My Comments: Works as advertised, and I got to learn some Perl! :)

Are you related to Gurusamy Sarathy at ActiveState?

use Perl;

John W. Krahn
John W. Krahn wrote:
Brihas Sarathy wrote:

Oops, sorry I posted this to the wrong mailing list.

use Perl;

Bob Showalter
Mariano Cunietti wrote:
Hi all,
can anyone address me to a Perl module/function to parse gzipped log
files without uncompressing them via gzip/gunzip? Thanks

This search will turn up some modules:

You might also just read from the output of 'gunzip -c' or 'zcat'

open F, 'gunzip -c somefile.log.gz|' or die $!;
while (<F>) {
# process log data here

Thomas Btzler
Mariano Cunietti <[Email Removed]> asked:
can anyone address me to a Perl module/function to parse
gzipped log files without uncompressing them via gzip/gunzip?

You have to uncompress them somehow, but you don't have to
uncompress them to a file. I regularly use code like this:

if( $file =~ m/.gz$/ ){
$file = "gzip -d < $file |";
} elsif( $file =~ m/.bz2$/ ){
$file = "bzip2 -d < $file |";

if( my $fh = new IO::File $file ){

# do something

} else {
die "Failed to open input file '$file': $!";


Wiggins d Anconia
Hi all,
can anyone address me to a Perl module/function to parse gzipped log
files without uncompressing them via gzip/gunzip?


Compress::Zlib is my standard way to do this. If all you want to do is
grep them then zgrep will be faster as the others have pointed out. I
don't like shelling out, period, so I would avoid the other (somewhat
elegant) solutions offered. The added benefit to using C<gzopen> is that
it will work on zipped/unzipped files similar to how zgrep functions.

Code I have used below, there should be one more check (at least) to
verify that $gz is defined.

-- Untested --
use Compress::Zlib;

# Opens a log file for reading, even if the file is gzipped. gzopen and
# gzreadline will read the data if it is regular or gzipped. Returns an
# array reference of all of the lines from the file.

sub _read_log {
my $self = shift;
my $log = shift;
my @lines = ();

unless (-f $log) {
die "Can't open log file '$log' for readingn";

my $line;
my $gz = gzopen($log, "rb");

while ($gz->gzreadline($line) > 0) {
chomp $line;
push (@lines, $line);


return @lines;

----- Original Message -----
From: "Henry, Mark Patrick" <[Email Removed]>
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2005 0:54 am
Subject: Can't locate loadable object for module



I'm trying to use a perl module that a tool I got,,
requiresand I can't no matter what I do..

I'm on hpux11.11, and the script was written for 5.005_03 so
that's what
I'm including at the top of the perl script (
#!/apps/perl-5.005_03/bin/perl) - this exists and *is* that particular

The module is Time::HiRes, the file is

I d/l'd the module from cpan and put it in my user directory...
The file exists of course, has read bit set across the board.

When I run the script it complains it "Can't locate loadable
object for
module Time::HiRes in @INC"

If I run 'perl -V', I get (among other things):

So, in the script I put the following:

use lib '/users/mhenry/tools/3rdparty';

I get:
Can't locate loadable object for module Time::HiRes in @INC (@INC
contains: /users/mhenry/tools/3rdparty
/apps/perl-5.005_03/lib/site_perl/5.005) at ./ line 221

I changed the line above to:

use lib '/users/mhenry/tools/3rdparty/Time';

I get the same..

I tried putting the file at every level of the dirs mentioned
above in the 'perl -V' return, but nothing!!

It seems to be a simple task but nothing will work.

The 'head' of the module is:

package Time::HiRes;

use strict;

require Exporter;
require DynaLoader;

@ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);

..which appears to be legit.

Can *anyone* help??!  I've tried every google search result out
Did you try:

push @INC , '/users/mhenry/tools/3rdparty/Time';

Mark G.

Many thanks,


Brian Barto
If you figure it out, let me know. I had problems getting it to read the
database. I eventually quit.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jay [mailto:[Email Removed]]
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 12:17 PM
To: Perl Beginners List
Subject: Geo::PostalCode

I have the following code, which dies "no such file or directory" at
line 8. The problem seems to be that the census data file it relies
on is a single .dbf, and the documentation seems to indicate that the
module looks for three separate .db files. The .dbf file, though, is
the file from the working link in the docs, submitted by the author,
and doesn't seem to have changed since 1999, so I'm slightly
suspicious that, whatever the docs say, the error is in the way I'm
invoking it. Does anyone have experience with this module?


use warnings;
use strict;
use Geo::PostalCode;

my $gp = Geo::PostalCode->new(db_dir => ".") or die "can't create
Geo::PostalCode object: $!n" ;

my $record = $gp->lookup_city_state(city => "Jersey City", state =>
"NJ") or die "can't read from file: $!n" ;

my $lat = $record->{lat};
my $lon = $record->{lon};

print "$lat $lonn" ;

my $postal_codes = $gp->nearby_postal_codes(lat => $lat, lon => $lon,
distance => 50);

print map{"$_n"} @$postal_codes ;


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Mark Patrick Henry
Hi Mark,


No that didn't help. I had also previous tried 'shift'ing the same
thing onto INC.

As you can see below, it does show my added path in the INC array but
still no luck..



-----Original Message-----
From: [Email Removed] [mailto:[Email Removed]]
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 6:51 AM
To: Henry, Mark Patrick
Cc: [Email Removed]
Subject: Re: Can't locate loadable object for module

----- Original Message -----
From: "Henry, Mark Patrick" <[Email Removed]>
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2005 0:54 am
Subject: Can't locate loadable object for module



I'm trying to use a perl module that a tool I got,,
requiresand I can't no matter what I do..

I'm on hpux11.11, and the script was written for 5.005_03 so
that's what
I'm including at the top of the perl script (
#!/apps/perl-5.005_03/bin/perl) - this exists and *is* that particular

The module is Time::HiRes, the file is

I d/l'd the module from cpan and put it in my user directory...
The file exists of course, has read bit set across the board.

When I run the script it complains it "Can't locate loadable
object for
module Time::HiRes in @INC"

If I run 'perl -V', I get (among other things):

So, in the script I put the following:

use lib '/users/mhenry/tools/3rdparty';

I get:
Can't locate loadable object for module Time::HiRes in @INC (@INC
contains: /users/mhenry/tools/3rdparty
/apps/perl-5.005_03/lib/site_perl/5.005) at ./ line 221

I changed the line above to:

use lib '/users/mhenry/tools/3rdparty/Time';

I get the same..

I tried putting the file at every level of the dirs mentioned
above in the 'perl -V' return, but nothing!!

It seems to be a simple task but nothing will work.

The 'head' of the module is:

package Time::HiRes;

use strict;

require Exporter;
require DynaLoader;

@ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);

..which appears to be legit.

Can *anyone* help??!  I've tried every google search result out
Did you try:

push @INC , '/users/mhenry/tools/3rdparty/Time';

Mark G.

Many thanks,



I have a large file that I want to split into smaller chunks based on
a start and end text (<start>...<end>)

My script works only partially. It only saves the first occurence of
my match and then closes the script. How can I get it to keep ripping
throught the file saving into individual files.

My file I'm reading in is called test.txt

Below is just an example.





and so on...

Here is my script:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $written = 0;
my $index = 1;
my $filename;

if ( open( FH, 'D:test.txt' ) )
$filename = sprintf( 'D:out%d.txt', $index );
open( OUT, ">$filename" );
while ( <FH> )
if ( m|^<start>$| ... m|^<end>$| )
print OUT $_;
$written = 1;
if ( $written )
close( OUT );
$filename = sprintf( 'C:out%d.txt', $index );
open( OUT, ">$filename" );
$written = 0;

print "-> $_";

close( FH );

John W. Krahn
FlashMX wrote:


I have a large file that I want to split into smaller chunks based on
a start and end text (<start>...<end>)

My script works only partially. It only saves the first occurence of
my match and then closes the script. How can I get it to keep ripping
throught the file saving into individual files.

My file I'm reading in is called test.txt

Below is just an example.





and so on...

Here is my script:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $written = 0;
my $index = 1;
my $filename;

if ( open( FH, 'D:test.txt' ) )
$filename = sprintf( 'D:out%d.txt', $index );
open( OUT, ">$filename" );
while ( <FH> )
if ( m|^<start>$| ... m|^<end>$| )
print OUT $_;
$written = 1;
if ( $written )
close( OUT );
$filename = sprintf( 'C:out%d.txt', $index );
open( OUT, ">$filename" );
$written = 0;

print "-> $_";

close( FH );

If I understand correctly then this should do what you want: (UNTESTED)

if ( open FH, '<', 'D:/test.txt' ) {
while ( <FH> ) {
my $range = /^<start>$/ .. /^<end>$/;

if ( $range == 1 ) {
my $filename = sprintf 'C:/out%d.txt', $index++;
open OUT, '>', $filename or die "Cannot open $filename: $!";

if ( $range ) {
print OUT;
else {
print "-> $_";
close FH;

use Perl;

Brian McKee
From: "O-Dzin Tridral" <[Email Removed]
Date: Fri Jan 28, 2005  8:06:09  AM Canada/Eastern
Subject: Converting a text file for printing
We have an application which produces a plain ASCII text file which
then needs to be printed on a laser printer.
Because it gets printed to pre-printed stationery things have to be
correctly aligned.

We do that here - hundreds a day in fact.
In our case we figured out what the PCL codes were and embedded them in
the text,
sending that directly to the printer. It isn't perl, but I don't see
why it couldn't be.
Dunno how easy that would be on a Windows machine.


How do you check Perl 5.8.1 is configured for Dynamic Loading?


Atterbigler Josef

Many thanks all, for your early reply, it works now fine.



-----Ursprngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Atterbigler Josef [mailto:[Email Removed]]
Gesendet: Montag, 31. Januar 2005 10:23
An: [Email Removed]
Betreff: dbi:odbc: dont get all rows from database


I dont get all rows from database with my perlscript, following error displayed: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.)

The same query statement on mssql server I get more rows, whats wrong?

my $statement2 = "select Doctyp, Count (*) as count_doctyp from tdoc_kd where archdate between '05/23/2003' and '05/26/2003' group by Doctyp Order by count_doctyp DESC";

# Databasequery

$sth = $dbh->prepare($statement2);

@doctyp = $sth->fetchrow_array;



# Output

print "$doctyp[0] t";
print "$doctyp[1] n";
print "$doctyp[2] t";
print "$doctyp[3] n";

Thanks for your help


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Bob Showalter
Anish Kumar K. wrote:
File  is not getting created in perl CGI mode...

It is surprising that the file is not created in the CGI....

I tried this from the command line it is getting created there...

Most likely explanation is that the web server user does not have write
privilege in the directory you're trying to create the file in, or the file
already exists and the web server user doesn't have write privilege.

Add $! to your error message to see more information.


I am not able to debug also this issue. Please help in proceeding

use CGI;

use strict;
use warnings;

my $cgi=new CGI;
print $cgi->header();
print $cgi->start_html("Browser Information");

open (TXT, ">tmp.txt") || die "Can't create $file";

($file is not defined)

open (TXT, ">/some/absolute/path/tmp.txt") || die "Can't create file: $!";

You should always use an absolute path from a CGI script. Don't make
assumptions about what the current directory is. Probably, it's the script
directory, but you can't depend on that.

print TXT"This is test";
close TXT;

Wiggins d'Anconia
[Email Removed] wrote:
How do you check Perl 5.8.1 is configured for  Dynamic Loading?


perl -V


Bob Showalter
Mark Martin wrote:
okay  - straight out of the coobook :

my @different = ()
foreach (keys %hash1)
delete $hash1{$_} unless exists $hash2$_};
push(@this_not_that,$_) unless exists $registered{$_};

easy to remove the different key from hash one and record the removed
item in @different.

My question is how would you record the removed item in another hash
so that it has the original key and corresponding value?

I've tried :

%different = ();
foreach $key (keys %hash1)
$value = $hash1{$key};
@different{$_} = $value unless exists $hash2{$_};

You're using $_, but $key has the key


but I get all sorts of rubbish

delete() returns the thing(s) deleted, so

for my $key (keys %hash1) {
$different{$key} = delete $hash1{$key} unless exists $hash2{$key};

Michael Seele wrote:


i want to open a perl process and enter the code/files to compile via
STDIN. i know it is possible. but how?
does somebody know a tutorial or something like this which explains how
i can compile perl code via STDIN?

Do you mean:

perl -e 'print "Hin";'


Dave Gray
i want to open a perl process and enter the code/files to compile via
STDIN. i know it is possible. but how?
does somebody know a tutorial or something like this which explains how
i can compile perl code via STDIN?

$ perl
print "Hello from STDINn";
Hello from STDIN

If the answers so far don't solve your problem, it might help to be
more specific about what exactly you're trying to do.



I'm trying to run Authen:Smb

After spending some time debugging, it returns an error can not locate

valid_user() is a function call from within Authen::Smb.

Which package/module contain ?


Roman Vaek
Probably wrong/broken installation of Authen::Smb. Valid_User is defined
in file smbval/valid.c which is part of Authen::Smb distribution. Try to
recompile/reinstall Authen::Smb again.


On Wed, Feb 02, 2005 at 12:36:06PM +0000, [Email Removed] wrote:

I'm trying to run Authen:Smb

After spending some time debugging, it returns an error can not locate

valid_user() is a function call from within Authen::Smb.

Which package/module contain ?


best regards
Ing. Roman Vasicek

software developer
PetaMem s.r.o., Ocelarska 1, 190 00 Praha 9 - Liben, Czech Republic

On Wed, 02 Feb 2005 09:26:48 +0100, [Email Removed] (Michael
Seele) wrote:

yes that is exactly what i mean. i want to do somthing like this:

$ perl - c
print "Testn";

and now i want to get the infos of the compilation (sytax ok or
errors...). after that i want to put the next perl code into the
process, i don't want to close the process and reopen a new. i only want
to work with one process because of the speed
advantages i got when i must _not_ open a process for every file...
is this possible? do you know a information source in the www?

It sounds like you want the IPC::Open3 module,
search the web(or this list archives) for examples, there
are plenty. You can open your program with IPC::Open3, then write
to it'd stdin, and listen for sdtout or stderr. You can continously
feed it data on it's stdin.

For simpler functionality, there is the "piped form of open", but
IPC::Open3 gives you more control.

I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth.

I maybe missing something here.

I try to rpmbuild authen-smb.0.90.src.rpm

That fails to generate rpm file.

I did try to re-recompile authen-smb.0.91.tar.gz

It complies OK no errors.

It install Smb files. But, it do not generate file.

Do I need ti set a flag to create the file?

At 12:40 02/02/2005, Roman =?iso-8859-2?B?VmG57ehlaw==?= wrote:

Probably wrong/broken installation of Authen::Smb. Valid_User is defined
in file smbval/valid.c which is part of Authen::Smb distribution. Try to
recompile/reinstall Authen::Smb again.


On Wed, Feb 02, 2005 at 12:36:06PM +0000, [Email Removed] wrote:

I'm trying to run Authen:Smb

After spending some time debugging, it returns an error can not locate

valid_user() is a function call from within Authen::Smb.

Which package/module contain ?


best regards
Ing. Roman Vasicek

software developer
PetaMem s.r.o., Ocelarska 1, 190 00 Praha 9 - Liben, Czech Republic

Dave Gray
yes that is exactly what i mean. i want to do somthing like this:

$ perl - c
print "Testn";

and now i want to get the infos of the compilation (sytax ok or errors...).
after that i want to put the next perl code into the
process, i don't want to close the process and reopen a new.

I don't think syntax checking mode has a batch option... AFAIK it's
just for one file at a time. What exactly are you doing that you're
concerned about interpreter startup time when checking syntax?

John Moon
Subject: Checking last character of string for punctuation

Howdy all. I'm a newbie with a newbie question. I assume that I'm in the
right place.

I need to update some code a developer programmed for my organization.

The purpose of the code is really basic. It simply prints: $title.

However, some of my titles and subtitles end with punctuation ("?", "!",
".", "..."). Thus, I end up with: Am I a title that ends with punctuation?.

So, I need to revise the code so that it first checks each string to see if
it ends with a punctuation character. If it does, don't add the period. If
not, do add the period. Note: the string should be kept as is.

I believe the key is a regular expression of some sort, but I can't seem to
figure it out.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance,


$string .= '.' unless $string =~ /[$!.]+$/;

See if this helps...


Thomas Btzler
Elliot Holden <[Email Removed]> asked:
okay this may seem like a simple problem but here it goes:
open(OUTFILE, ">>survey.txt");

Your web server may not have permission to create
the file in question. Always check return codes!

open(OUTFILE, ">>survey.txt") or die "Could not open file: $!";


Thomas Btzler
Anish Kumar K. <[Email Removed]> asked:
Is there any way in perl I can modify the permission of a
directory using perl scripts

Of course. Check out the builtins chmod and chown.


Bob Showalter
Kent, Mr. John (Contractor) wrote:

Trying to be "cool" and apply  map to the following lines of code
(which work fine as shown)

@TIMES is an array of lines that look like
Time: Thu Feb 3 15:10:39.290 GMT 2005 End: Default.2.def-edtp0.on
Time: user 0.29 sec Delta: Default.2.def-edtp0.on
Time: Thu Feb 3 15:10:43 GMT 2005 Start:
Time: Thu Feb 3 15:10:43.580 GMT 2005 End:
Time: user 0.58 sec Delta: Default.1.def-slpr-2m-t-10m-wind0.on

use Tie::IxHash;
tie %BY_PROJ_HASH, "Tie::IxHash";

my @DELTAS = grep (/Delta/, @TIMES);

foreach (@DELTAS) {
$_ =
/(d+.d+)s+secs+Delta:s+[Default.]*s*(.+)[.on]*$/; my
$proj = $2; my $time = $1;

If the regex doesn't match, $1 and $2 will be unchanged. You should not use
them without checking for the match.

I prefer a list assignment like:

my ($proj, $time) =

This will set the vars to undef if there is no match.


print "<br>$proj => $timen" if ($DEBUG == 1);
# Push the value into the hash making the value for the hash
# an array (See Perl Cookbook Recipe 5.7)
push( @{$BY_PROJ_HASH{$proj}},$time);


So far haven't had any luck using map to create the hash of arrays

I don't think a map() construct would improve on what you're doing, since
$proj presumably can vary with each iteration. Leave it like it is.

Bob Showalter
Elliot Holden wrote:
This is my script

open(OUTFILE, ">>", "survey.txt") or die "$!";

I am runing this script through the webserver using a browswer,
(action="http://localhost/pathtothecgiscript/cgiscript.cgi") and the
file, survey.txt, does NOT get created. When running from the command
line the file DOES get created.
If I create the file in question, survey.txt, ahead of time and give
it the permission 666, the webserver (Apache) can then write records
to the file and the script runs with no problem.
Alot of people have been telling me that the webserver, in my case
Apache, usually runs as a different user with different permissions
than the user I am logged in as. But NO ONE can yet tell me how to
give Apache or any webserver the right to create a file.

In order to create a new file, the user must have write permission in the
*directory* the file is to be created in. chmod 777 on the directory should
do the trick. Or, change the ownership of the directory to the Apache user
and chmod 755. Or, add the Apache user to the group that owns the directory
and chmod 775.

(P.S. "Alot" is not a word)

John Moon
Subject: Having trouble using "strict"

Hello there!

I got a trouble (I think). I'd like to store some variables in a
separated file ie to have a possibility of using them in
different scripts by 'require ""'. So if I use some script using
the variable $var1 = somevalue storing in '' and I call this
variable with using 'strict' pragma I get error message - $var1 is
unknown for this script of course because 'strict' is on; I must declare
this with "my". But in this case I hade the value of this variable. How
could I solve this trouble?

Thanks in advance.

See if this gives you some ideas...

#! /usr/local/bin/perl
use strict;
use lib "$ENV{HOME}/local/library";
require MyVars;
my $v1 = 'different Value';
print "$MyVars::v1n";
print "$v1n";

SUN1-BATCH>more ~/local/library/
package MyVars;

On Mon, 7 Feb 2005 11:58:57 -0500 , [Email Removed] (Bob
Showalter) wrote:

(P.S. "Alot" is not a word)

Jees, you learn "much" more than just Perl here. :-)

I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth.

Nicolay Vasiliev
Oh, I got the main direction, thank you very much!

John Moon wrote:
Subject: Having trouble using "strict"

Hello there!

I got a trouble (I think). I'd like to store some variables in a
separated file ie to have a possibility of using them in
different scripts by 'require ""'. So if I use some script using
the variable $var1 = somevalue storing in '' and I call this
variable with using 'strict' pragma I get error message - $var1 is
unknown for this script of course because 'strict' is on; I must declare
this with "my". But in this case I hade the value of this variable. How
could I solve this trouble?

Thanks in advance.

See if this gives you some ideas...

#! /usr/local/bin/perl
use strict;
use lib "$ENV{HOME}/local/library";
require MyVars;
my $v1 = 'different Value';
print "$MyVars::v1n";
print "$v1n";

SUN1-BATCH>more ~/local/library/
package MyVars;

Bob Showalter
Joe Mecklin wrote:
i need the ability to accept keyboard input without echoing it back to
the screen (passwords, etc.) and have not yet found anything that will
accomplish that.  is there something in Perl that will do that, do i
need a module, ...?

thanks in advance for any/all help.

Take a look at the faq article:

perldoc -q 'How do I ask the user for a password?'

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Devers [mailto:[Email Removed]]
Sent: Wed 2/9/2005 8:01 PM
To: TapasranjanMohapatra
Cc: Perl Beginners List
Subject: Re: while(1){print "a"; sleep 1;}
On Wed, 9 Feb 2005, TapasranjanMohapatra wrote:

Why I dont get a's printed with the code below?

Apparently it's an output buffering issue.

If you flush output, it works:

$ perl -e 'while(1){print"a";sleep 1}'
$ perl -e '$|=1;while(1){print"a";sleep 1}'

So, setting $| to 1 seems to fix the problem...

Chris Devers

Thanks Chris,
Forcing the flush after print solves the problem.

Joe Mecklin
bless you, my child *g*

On Wed, 9 Feb 2005 11:29:00 -0500, Bob Showalter
<[Email Removed]> wrote:
Joe Mecklin wrote:
i need the ability to accept keyboard input without echoing it back to
the screen (passwords, etc.) and have not yet found anything that will
accomplish that.  is there something in Perl that will do that, do i
need a module, ...?

thanks in advance for any/all help.

Take a look at the faq article:

perldoc -q 'How do I ask the user for a password?'

Xiaofang Zhou
Hi, Bob,

Sounds the is cool. But when I try to install the pre-required
io::pty, I got a fatal error. Is it possible to install io::tty and expert
on xp?

O1 -MD -Zi -DNDEBUG -DVERSION="1.02" -DXS_VERSION="1.02" -IE:Perllib
CORE Tty.c
Tty.xs(94) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'unistd.h': No such fi
le or directory
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl' : return code '0x2'

2005-02-11 21:42:00 д
Chris Devers wrote:
Several programming languages have mechanisms for building wrappers
around Expect, including Perl. In this case, you need a module like or Expect::Simple, as described here:

Pedantic point: is perhaps best thought of as an Expect "clone" or
"workalike". It does not use or require a tcl installation.

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Xiaofang Zhou
[Email Removed]

Perl has modules you can include that allow you to use the power of perl and the functionality of Expect.

----- Original Message -----
From: A B C <[Email Removed]>
Date: Friday, February 11, 2005 6:16 pm
Subject: Perl versus EXPECT(tcl)


I've heard that Expect(tcl) is outstanding in what it
specializes in. Can any experts in both Expect and
Perl Networking comment?

I want to know if Perl's Networking arena is superior
or equal to what Expect specializes in.

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Xiaofang Zhou

I have trouble using B::Bytecode on xp/activeperl 5.6. With a very
simple script, the command:
perl -MO=Bytecode,-ofirst.byte
Can't work properly.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

print "Hello World!n";
Please let me know if anyone have successfully do that on xp/active perl 5.6.

----output of the perl -MO command:

No package specified for compilation, assuming main::
Use of uninitialized value in hash element at E:/Perl/lib/B/ line 19
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at E:/Perl/lib/B/Assem line 202.
1: no such instruction ""
Use of uninitialized value in hash element at E:/Perl/lib/B/ line 19
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at E:/Perl/lib/B/Assem line 202.
2: no such instruction ""
Use of uninitialized value in hash element at E:/Perl/lib/B/ line 19
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at E:/Perl/lib/B/Assem line 202.
3: no such instruction ""
Use of uninitialized value in hash element at E:/Perl/lib/B/ line 19
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at E:/Perl/lib/B/Assem line 202.
4: no such instruction ""
....many many such warnings...
444: no such instruction ""
Use of uninitialized value in hash element at E:/Perl/lib/B/ line 19
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at E:/Perl/lib/B/Assem line 202.
445: no such instruction ""
There were 445 assembly errors
CHECK failed--call queue aborted.

2005-02-12 12:13:00 д
Hi, Bob,

Sounds the  is cool. But when I try to install the pre-required
io::pty, I got a fatal error. Is it possible to install io::tty and expert
on xp?

cl -c  -nologo -O1 -MD -Zi -DNDEBUG -DWIN32 -D_CONSOLE -DNO_STRICT -DHAV
O1 -MD -Zi -DNDEBUG    -DVERSION="1.02"  -DXS_VERSION="1.02"  -IE:Perllib
CORE  Tty.c
Tty.xs(94) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'unistd.h': No such fi
le or directory
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl' : return code '0x2'

2005-02-11 21:42:00 д
Chris Devers wrote:
Several programming languages have mechanisms for building wrappers
around Expect, including Perl. In this case, you need a module like or Expect::Simple, as described here:

Pedantic point: is perhaps best thought of as an Expect "clone" or
"workalike". It does not use or require a tcl installation.

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Xiaofang Zhou
[Email Removed]

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Xiaofang Zhou
[Email Removed]

Bob Showalter
Xiaofang Zhou wrote:
Hi, Bob,

Sounds the  is cool. But when I try to install the
pre-required io::pty, I got a fatal error. Is it possible to install
io::tty and expert
on xp?

No. ptys are a Unix only thing.

Juan Gomez
Hi Xiaofang

I dont think is posible you see pty's are only for unix

Thats what I remember and thats why it crash

Let me get some more info and I send it to you

Have a good day

-----Original Message-----
From: Xiaofang Zhou [mailto:[Email Removed]]
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 11:00 AM
To: Perl Beginners List
Subject: Re: Re: Perl versus EXPECT(tcl)

Hi, Bob,

Sounds the is cool. But when I try to install the pre-required
io::pty, I got a fatal error. Is it possible to install io::tty and expert
on xp?

cl -c -nologo -O1 -MD -Zi -DNDEBUG -DWIN32 -D_CONSOLE -DNO_STRICT
CORE Tty.c
Tty.xs(94) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'unistd.h': No
such fi le or directory NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl' : return code '0x2'

2005-02-11 21:42:00 д
Chris Devers wrote:
Several programming languages have mechanisms for building wrappers
around Expect, including Perl. In this case, you need a module like or Expect::Simple, as described here:

Pedantic point: is perhaps best thought of as an Expect
"clone" or "workalike". It does not use or require a tcl installation.

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Xiaofang Zhou
[Email Removed]

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commands, e-mail: [Email Removed] <>

Hi Xiaofang:

Because expect waits response from unix (or linux) - it 'EXPECTS' a
response, it won't work on xp. Expect is more like a tcl script than perl
and I don't think there's a tcl script either for xp (or dos) - I may be

Hope this helps a little.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Gomez, Juan" <[Email Removed]>
To: "Xiaofang Zhou" <[Email Removed]>; "Perl Beginners List"
<[Email Removed]>
Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2005 9:59 AM
Subject: RE: Re: Perl versus EXPECT(tcl)

Hi Xiaofang

I dont think is posible you see pty's are only for unix

Thats what I remember and thats why it crash

Let me get some more info and I send it to you

Have a good day

-----Original Message-----
From: Xiaofang Zhou [mailto:[Email Removed]]
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 11:00 AM
To: Perl Beginners List
Subject: Re: Re: Perl versus EXPECT(tcl)

Hi, Bob,

Sounds the is cool. But when I try to install the pre-required
io::pty, I got a fatal error. Is it possible to install io::tty and expert
on xp?

cl -c -nologo -O1 -MD -Zi -DNDEBUG -DWIN32 -D_CONSOLE -DNO_STRICT
CORE Tty.c
Tty.xs(94) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'unistd.h': No
such fi le or directory NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl' : return code '0x2'

2005-02-11 21:42:00 д
Chris Devers wrote:
Several programming languages have mechanisms for building wrappers
around Expect, including Perl. In this case, you need a module like or Expect::Simple, as described here:

Pedantic point: is perhaps best thought of as an Expect
"clone" or "workalike". It does not use or require a tcl installation.

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commands, e-mail: [Email Removed] <

Xiaofang Zhou
[Email Removed]

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Jan Eden
Hi Ovid,

Ovid wrote on 11.02.2005:

Hi Jan,

Apologies in advance if any of this seems too pedantic.

I was asking for pedantic remarks. ;-)

What you are essentially looking for is SQL capable of handling tree
structures so you can pull this data in a single fetch.  You can
read about this in Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties or (more
specifically) Joe Celko's Trees and Hierarchies in SQL for Smarties.

Thanks! You're right, that's what I was looking for.

First, you'll notice that I pass in $dbh and $page_hash.  Good
subroutines are frequently treated like black boxes.  They accept
information and they give a response.  In your subroutine, it's
almost there, but it relies on $dbh and $page_hash being declared
globally. If those ever get munged, it can be quite difficult to
track down the error.  Plus, if you reuse this code elsewhere, it's
harder to do if those are global.

Agreed. I actually know and follow that guideline. The code I posted was not yet fine tuned and complete.

The more serious problem, though, was how you were using
selectrow_array.  My guess, from how your form was set up, is that
$mutterid was being passed in from the form.  If you've carefully
untainted it, it's probably OK to use it the way you were, but it's
still a tripwire for further maintenance and possibly a serious
security hole due to having it embedded directly in the SQL.  This
leaves the code vulnerable to an SQL injection attack

Oh, that should not be an issue - $mutterid does not come from a user, but is pulled from the database itself.

Besides, I use the taint mode all the time and should be notified when I use untainted variables.

I've converted the code to use bind values to prevent this security
problem.  See "perldoc DBI" and read the section entitled
"Placeholders and Bind Values".

That's right, I should've done taken that measure anyway.

Thanks again for your hints!

Have a great day,

There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence. - Jeremy S. Anderson

Jason Balicki
Eduardo Vzquez Rodrguez <mailto:[Email Removed]> wrote:
How can I start reading a file from n line?
For example
I open a File like this way
open(INPUT, $file)
while (<INPUT>)
do something with $_;

I'm a newbie myself, but is there a reason you've
already discounted something like:

my linecount=1;
open (INPUT, $file);
while (<INPUT>){
if ($linecount >= 10) {
do something;


John W. Krahn
Eduardo Vzquez Rodrguez wrote:
Hello Perl Programmers


I have a question regarding openning a file

How can I start reading a file from n line?

For example

I open a File like this way

open(INPUT, $file)
while (<INPUT>)
do something with $_;

But It starts to read from line #1, what I want is that start reading
exactly from line 10.

Read the first nine lines before the while loop:

open INPUT, $file or die "Cannot open $file: $!";

# get rid of first nine lines
<INPUT> for 1 .. 9;

while ( <INPUT> ) {
do something with $_;

use Perl;

John W. Krahn
Jason Balicki wrote:
Eduardo Vzquez Rodrguez <mailto:[Email Removed]> wrote:

How can I start reading a file from n line?
For example
I open a File like this way
open(INPUT, $file)
while (<INPUT>)
do something with $_;

I'm a newbie myself, but is there a reason you've
already discounted something like:

my linecount=1;
open (INPUT, $file);
while (<INPUT>){
if ($linecount >= 10) {
  do something;

You could use the built-in $. variable for that:

while ( <INPUT> ) {
next if 1 .. 9;
do something;

use Perl;

if you want to use a built in function then use


or its alternatives $NR, or $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER

By definition this says "the current input line number of the last file
handle that was read."

my $linect=$.
while ( <FILEHANDLE>) {
if ( $linect > 9 ) {
do whatever ...



"John W. Krahn"
<[Email Removed]
Perl Beginners <[Email Removed]

02/14/2005 04:13 cc
Re: Start reading from a specific

Eduardo Vzquez Rodrguez wrote:
Hello Perl Programmers


I have a question regarding openning a file

How can I start reading a file from n line?

For example

I open a File like this way

open(INPUT, $file)
while (<INPUT>)
do something with $_;

But It starts to read from line #1, what I want is that start reading
exactly from line 10.

Read the first nine lines before the while loop:

open INPUT, $file or die "Cannot open $file: $!";

# get rid of first nine lines
<INPUT> for 1 .. 9;

while ( <INPUT> ) {
do something with $_;

use Perl;

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John W. Krahn
[Email Removed] wrote:
if you want to use a built in function then use



or its alternatives $NR, or $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER

Which implys that you are using the 'English' module which is a bad idea if
speed is important.

By definition this says "the current input line number of the last file
handle that was read."

my $linect=$.

You haven't read from FILEHANDLE yet so $. has the value undef.

while ( <FILEHANDLE>) {
if ( $linect > 9 ) {

Unlike $. which changes for each line read, $linect does not change so will
never be greater than 9.

do whatever ...


use Perl;

Xiaofang Zhou
Hi, Ramprasad

use ( ) not { } in regexp.

$x=~s/^(.*?) (d+)/ $2 . ( defined $hash{$2} ? $hash{$2} : 'NOTFOUND' ) /e;

2005-02-15 12:30:00 д

I want to so a substititue a string Say

my %hash = ( 1130, "a" , 2100, "b");

$x = 'SOMEJUNK 1130';

# I want $x to be    '1130a'

# This regex does not work
$x=~s/^(.*?) (d+)/ $2 . { defined $hash{$2} ?  $hash{$2} :
'NOTFOUND' } /e;

Can someone fix the regex for me


Xiaofang Zhou
[Email Removed]

Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan
On Feb 15, [Email Removed] said:

my $linect="$.";
while ( <FILEHANDLE>) {
if ( $linect > 9 ) {
do whatever ...

need to use double-quotes around variable $.

No you don't.

my $linecount = $.;

works just fine.

And is there a reason you don't want to use $.? That is, why create
another variable which does the same thing?

Jeff "japhy" Pinyan % How can we ever be the sold short or
RPI Acacia Brother #734 % the cheated, we who for every service % have long ago been overpaid? % -- Meister Eckhart

Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan
On Feb 15, [Email Removed] said:

Could not find this variable in perlvar under 5.8.0 for sun solaris
can you explain it?

perlmonk:~ 101:$ perldoc perlvar
$. Current line number for the last filehandle accessed.

Each filehandle in Perl counts the number of lines that have
been read from it. (Depending on the value of $/, Perl's idea
of what constitutes a line may not match yours.) When a line
is read from a filehandle (via readline() or "<>"), or when
tell() or seek() is called on it, $. becomes an alias to the
line counter for that filehandle.

You can adjust the counter by assigning to $., but this will
not actually move the seek pointer. Localizing $. will not
localize the filehandle's line count. Instead, it will local-
ize perl's notion of which filehandle $. is currently aliased

$. is reset when the filehandle is closed, but not when an open
filehandle is reopened without an intervening close(). For
more details, see "I/O Operators" in perlop. Because "<>"
never does an explicit close, line numbers increase across ARGV
files (but see examples in "eof" in perlfunc).

You can also use "HANDLE->input_line_number(EXPR)" to access
the line counter for a given filehandle without having to worry
about which handle you last accessed.

(Mnemonic: many programs use "." to mean the current line num-

Jeff "japhy" Pinyan % How can we ever be the sold short or
RPI Acacia Brother #734 % the cheated, we who for every service % have long ago been overpaid? % -- Meister Eckhart

oops I missed a line:

my $linect="$.";
while ( <FILEHANDLE>) {
if ( $linect > 9 ) {
do whatever ...

need to use double-quotes around variable $.

thanks for the correction... keeps me on my perl learning toes.

Derek B. Smith
OhioHealth IT
UNIX / TSM / EDM Teams

Eduardo Vzquez
<evazquez@insys-c To> "'[Email Removed] '"
<[Email Removed]>, 'Perl
02/14/2005 06:20 Beginners ' <[Email Removed]>
PM cc

RE: Start reading from a specific

Thanks I prove it and worked!!!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: [Email Removed]
To: Perl Beginners
Sent: 2/14/2005 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: Start reading from a specific line

if you want to use a built in function then use


or its alternatives $NR, or $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER

By definition this says "the current input line number of the last file
handle that was read."

my $linect=$.
while ( <FILEHANDLE>) {
if ( $linect > 9 ) {
do whatever ...



"John W. Krahn"

<[Email Removed]



Perl Beginners
<[Email Removed]>
02/14/2005 04:13

Re: Start reading from a specific


Eduardo Vzquez Rodrguez wrote:
Hello Perl Programmers


I have a question regarding openning a file

How can I start reading a file from n line?

For example

I open a File like this way

open(INPUT, $file)
while (<INPUT>)
do something with $_;

But It starts to read from line #1, what I want is that start reading
exactly from line 10.

Read the first nine lines before the while loop:

open INPUT, $file or die "Cannot open $file: $!";

# get rid of first nine lines
<INPUT> for 1 .. 9;

while ( <INPUT> ) {
do something with $_;

use Perl;

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