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Just kidding. That was Jack Nickelson speaking for the NSA.

Here is how it is done:

o Select all traffic.

o Exclude commonplace traffic, such as mailing lists.
example: FROM <[Email Removed]>
This is done by selecting keywords that match against the routing
information in the email header: who it came from, who it is going to.
The phone analogy is recipient and originating phone numbers.
This cuts down on "noise". "Secret Power" gave examples of this too.

o Search all traffic for a set of keywords that are found (tuned) over
time to have the best results. SOME of the ones I used:

first day
last day
new job

It's ironic that testing of employees is so wide-spread that it can
be used to pick out people looking for new jobs.

o Further exclusion logic (keywords) to isolate the meaning of the
keyword 'resume' to mean job history. Also, UK people say 'CV'.
Example: do NOT allow a sentence fragment like 'resume playing'
to trigger "resume condition" inclusion.

That's how it is done.

I then sit at a terminal and page through a
summary of the results, looking for 'hits'.

That's how DICTIONARY works too.

* The Puzzle Palace, Author James Bamford, 1983 revision
* P496-497: You would put in a whole slew of keywords.
* You f

Stephen K. Gielda
cancel from Pineapple News 0.8.0, article <[Email Removed]>

a charge ("ugh, they're operating a
methamphetamine lab or something huh-huh-huh") to gain the use of the
helicopters. Later, Governor Richards stated publicly that she had
been lied to by the Department of Justice.

o They knew the secrecy of the operation had been blown. How macho to
plow ahead anyway. They must feel invincible in those stormtrooper

Here is the fifty-percent reason.

A little technical quibble.

Reckless disregard for human life, leading to a disaster.

The following descriptions are entirely from Janet Reno's own testimony,
along with other Federal agents and neutral expert testimony.

The approximate date was 6/27/95, on C-SPAN, "Justice Department Oversight,
Senate Judiciary Committee". Senator Arlene Spector presiding.

Ms. Reno testified that the turning point in her decision to forcibly move
against the Waco compound came after she had "discussions" with senior
government people she would NOT NAME.

It is a "Challenger" type disaster, where public pressure caused them to
screw up. The same irony: they didn't want to look bad.

Janet Reno was asked to take off her "safety hat" and
put on her "management hat". She did. She's a good ol' boy.

My apolitical reasons for saying Janet Reno's decision to move against
Waco the way they did was reckless endangerment of life, entirely from
C-SPAN testimony:

o pumped in CS tear gas, which the US has signed a chemical weapons
treaty not to use against countries we go to war against. They were
aware of the indoor lethal capabilities of C.S. gas, because these
were spelled out in the manual.

o pumped in an extra heavy amount of it due to OUTSIDE winds.

o Reno had NO reliable data from her FBI-referred military
expert on the af

Steve Sobol
Nothing was done: I had completely overwhelmed Salomon Legal with security
incidents, and many were ignored.

In general, when you catch something in the backups, there are two choices:

o Grin and bear it
o File criminal or civil charges in court

Two of the security incidents found in the backups qualified for criminal

One was a source for the Finance Desk Trading System [FDTS].

********** begin excerpt from 'Corruption at Salomon Brothers' **********

Date: Tue, 7 May 96 23:38:00 EDT
From: guy
To: vivian
Subject: Jan 26 1996 REDHOT
Cc: <others


On Jan 26 1996:

18,184 lines of C++ source of something called "basis" for FDTS.

Here was the radar hit:

Filename: Jan_26_96/dfAA05811 Size: 207496, Dated: Jan 26 08:30
Sender: apoo@snowball (Art Poo)
Recipient: [Email Removed]
**** UUencoding, Filename='b.Z'

Your Excellency,

Make this floopy-bound. Bring it to esi this evening.
Thank you.

begin 600 b.Z

Mr. Poo no longer seems to be with us.

His id is gone from his system, and someone else has his phone number.

It's an api that accesses some sort of indexed info, creates some sort
of report, is an X-windows deal.

I found the name of the recipient:

NAME XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Oracle / NewsCorp Online Ventures

Robert Bonomi
nn cancel: <e8b87_70b72db6$56d18e4d$[Email Removed]>

of the value of the seized property. Alvarez
* had to borrow the money from his credit cards.
* The Assistant U.S. Attorney Jonathon R. Howden, flooded by financial
* statements by Alvarez's defense attorney (who was a retired career
* criminal investigator with the IRS), admitted he would not take the
* case to court. That step took seven months.
* However, Howden made an astonishing attempt to keep half of the $88,000
* the government had seized from Alvarez's bank account. Howden offered
* Alvarez two options: settle the matter by agreeing to a 50 percent
* forfeiture, or the money will be returned to the IRS, who might keep
* it. Alvarez's lawyer called his bluff and got the money back after
* a full year had elapsed. Loss of a full year's interest and $5000 in
* legal fees were the result.
* The government's abrupt assault shocked Paolo Alvarez to his core,
* leaving him with powerful feelings of fearful despair and isolation.
* While the fear was obviously justified, the feeling of isolation was
* way off the mark. He has lots of company.
* The federal government seized the home of an elderly couple under the
* War's "facilitation" provision. The judge was so embarrassed he
* gave the couple half the cash value of their house back. The drugs had
* belonged to the teenaged-grandson. "The whole program is a nightmare,"
* said their lawyer, "If it keeps up, the Justice Department is going to
* be the largest property owner in Connecticut."
* Between 1985 and 1993, as a result of more than 200,000 forfeitures, the
* Justice Department Asset Forfeiture Fund took in over $3.2 billion.
* In 1993 alone the department took in $556 million, twenty times more
* than

Steve Sobol
and dealt a bitter defeat to crypto supporters.
* Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), committee chair and chief sponsor of the
* measure, led the attack, saying Congress must "stop child pornography
* on the Internet."
* He warned that "allowing encryption to be exported would permit child
* pornographers to use it."
* "If it's being used for child pornography? Are we going to say
* that's just fine? That's it's just business? I don't think so."
* Sen. John Ashcroft (R-MO) tried to disagree. "It's like photography. We're
* not going to [ban] photography if someone takes dirty pictures."
* At this point, one of the more deaf committee members asked,
* "Pornography? Are we going to ban pornography?"
* The Senate Commerce Committee then approved McCain's bill.
* For a committee whose bailiwick is commerce, the senators seemed somewhat
* detached from their mandate with business taking a backseat.

Thank you once again, oh Free World Leaders, for that intelligent discourse.

* The New York Times, June 15 1997
* "Washington Kidnaps Dick and Jane - See How Washington Uses Dick and Jane"
* These days much of the nation's political debate focuses on children - or
* on the needs and interests of children as defined by politicians.
* Mr. Horn, who was chief of the Childrens Bureau in the Bush Administration
* added, "A cynic would say that children are being used as props or proxies."

Color me cynical.

It should be noted, of course, that uncrackable encryption called PGP is
available worldwide for free for all common platforms of computers, that
McCain's bill would do NOTHING to address that (not possible anyway), and
so his argument WAS A TOTAL SHAM.

No newspaper in the country will explain that in their coverage.

The sole purpose of the McCain bill was to protect ECHELON.

# "The McCain Mutiny", By Todd Lappin, Wired Magazine, June 1997
# Que

Scott Dorsey
the engineer responsible
* for that disaster; that "the accident was not caused by marijuana." It
* deliberately ignores his admissions of drinking alcohol, snacking,
* watching TV, generally failing to pay adequate attention to his job,
* accident.
* And in yet another ad, the lies finally got them in trouble. The ad showed
* two brain wave charts which it said showed the brain waves of a 14-year-
* old "on marijuana".
* Outraged, researcher Dr. Donald Blum from the UCLA neurological studies
* center told KABC TV (Los Angelos) news November 2, 1989, that the chart
* actually shows the brain waves of someone in a deep sleep --- or a coma.
* He said he had previously complained directly to the Partnership for a
* Free America and they ignored him. They finally pulled the ads.
* The Heath/Tulane Study of 1974 has been widely sited nationally as
* evidence that marijuana is harmful. One set of Rhesus monkeys began
* to atrophy and die after 90 days of pot smoking.
* When Playboy and NORMAL finally received the methodology of the study
* in 1980 after six years of trying, they were stunned.
* The Rhesus monkeys had been strapped into a

Mark Ferguson
xnews cancel: Mark Ferguson <[Email Removed]> removed <[Email Removed]>

* was the doctrine of efficiency: maximizing the benefits received from the
* efforts and expenditures---a cost benefit analysis.

Cyberneticians hope to use their capabilities for the
betterment of the human race, of which they are a part.

They are not naive when it comes to the government and politics, either.

* "The Rise of the Computer State", David Burnham, 1984
* Norbert Wiener, the MIT professor who is generally credited with being
* one of the principal minds behind the development of the computer,
* refused to take research money from the Pentagon because he was
* convinced it would corrupt his research and undermine his independence.

When Stafford Beer monitored factories and banks to give the government
the necessary tools to govern the economy effectively, he chose to
monitor national infrastructure of the industrial variety.

However, even he knows what can happen
with cybernetic control in the wrong hands:

* "Brain of the Firm", Stafford Beer, 1986, ISBN 0 471 27687 1
* If Project Cybersyn were altered, and the tools used are not the
* tools we made, they could become instruments of oppression.

Unlike Stafford Beer, the NSA and FBI have been moving to monitor not
only our bank transactions, but also telephone, fax, Internet, telex
communications of all people and businesses and with CALEA want that
capability given to them at the design stage.

Cybernetic-level monitoring of our electronic systems.

What are they trying to control?

What are they trying to exert MAXIMUM CYBERNETIC CONTROL over?

It is INSANE to design our systems for government monitoring.

It is a MASSIVE cybernetic operation, astounding in its scope.
They (obviously) are attempting to do this world-wide too.
It is a true cybernetic Beast, out of control and about to
devour the world.

In '1984', the ubiquitous 'telescreen' monitored everyone in their homes.

As I have demonstrated --- as if you needed m

Stephen K. Gielda
canceled article <[Email Removed]>

boxes. The man in Kentucky decided to fight the
charges and he showed how there were many legitimate uses for cloned
phones. In front of a jury in Kentucky, he won the case. Unfortunately,
Cummings' lawyer knew nothing about this and Cummings was forced to plead
guilty last year in the mistaken belief that he would never be able to
convince a jury that he hadn't committed a serious crime. Had he been
found innocent, there never would have been a probation violation and
Ed would be free today.

How absolutely disgusting of the Secret Service to persecute Ed Cummings.

The Secret Service are the same bunch of Cro-Magnums that put on rubber
gloves to search gay members of Congress visiting the President.

They didn't want to catch any gay cooties.

The President ordered all Secret Service members to take "sensitivity" classes.

There are two more things to know about this case of persecution.


Ed Cummings was savagely beaten by another inmate.
His jaw is shattered, and his arm is also completely shattered.
He had surgery on both his arm and his jaw.
His jaw was so shattered, they had to "slit my throat in two places"
to put the metal

Microsoft-Entourage user "Viper" <[Email Removed]> wants to cancel <CBffvN5fC$BdbycdAIb$[Email Removed]>.


* "The End of Ordinary Money, Part I", by J. Orlin Grabbe
* Ironically, the World Trade Center was subsequently bombed by a group
* that was already under FBI surveillance.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang
Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum
War War War War War War War War War War War War War War War


* The FBI arrests hundreds for child pornography despite unbreakable
* cryptography being available free worldwide for years.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang
Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum
War War War War War War War War War War War War War War War


VIOLENT GANGS [Secret Service to Ed Cummings: "We are the biggest

As if real terrorists or lords would use Key Recovery crypto!

Furthermore, Freeh is arguing BOTH SIDES of the issue when he complains

NNTP POWER-POST user has canceled <AAaavA1dA%[Email Removed]>


New Zealand: Unhappy Campers
--- ------- ------- -------

You'd be unhappy too if French terrorists - er - French intelligence agency
operatives sank a ship (GreenPeace!) on the shores of your country, and the
USA controlled ECHELON system failed to warn you.

Here comes the usual - GROAN: "the usual" -
PLUS a description of the basic mechanisms.

Spy tools, come 'n' get yer spy tools...a comprehensive look at ECHELON
DICTIONARY. A look at the Beast in your phone. This is the big one.

In the section after this, 'On Monitoring', I give detailed examples of
the capability of ECHELON DICTIONARY to seek out information from noise.
To pick out conversations from a massive dragnet. I even give the keyword
monitoring logic for spotting conversations of people actively searching
to leave their current job for another employer. First read this section.

*** "Secret Power" by Nicky Hager, 1996, ISBN 0-908802-35-8

GCSB is New Zealand's Government Communications Security Bureau.

It was with some apprehension that I learned Nicky Hager was researching the
activity of our intelligence community. He has long been a pain in the
establishment's neck.

There are many things in the book with which I am familiar. I couldn't tell

Mark Ferguson
families to wait for identification."


Just how much does the government want to
track us, by issuing tracking devices?

Metrocard is a re-writeable magnetic card. It's new to us New Yorkers.

They are individually serial-numbered.

* "Metrocards to Replace School Transit Passes"
* By John Sullivan, The New York Times, 8/26/1996
* About 500,000 students will now have their bus and subway usage tracked by
* Metrocards, in an effort to save money. Unlike current passes, which
* students can use anytime between 6 A.M. and 7 P.M. on weekdays, the
* Metrocard pass can be programmed to restrict the students to a set number
* of trips a day.
* Ms. Gonzalez-Light, a spokeswoman for the Board of Education, said they
* would work with the Transit Authority to individualize the number of
* trips per student to adjust for extra-curricular activities.

Then you could track each individual student? Decide if they might be truant
including if they didn't use it, or went the wrong way?

* "La

Scott Dorsey
Steve Croft reporting.
: Standing at a fence about a hundred feet from the U.S. Customs lanes,
: Steve Croft and an ex-agent with a walkie-talkie tuned to the right
: frequency began videotaping the border crossings.
: Truck after truck drove right through the individual Customs lanes,
: not even stopping. "Nafta express lanes" explained the ex-agent.
: Truck after truck drove straight into the U.S. unmonitored.
: Then a message came through the walkie-talkie: "We got some cameras
: watching, better get out there and cover traffic".
: Suddenly several Customs agents came out of the booths and started
: inspecting trucks.

That makes at least five people at a minimum!

What the hell is going on???

IF the rumor is true, THIS looks like it would be the smoking gun.

How did our country get so twisted around that they can invade our
bodies to test, yet allow truck after truck after truck to
just wander right in knowing HUGE shipment after HUGE
shipment is crossing? Gosh,

Vernon Schryver
This message was cancelled from within Mozilla.

technology to search all communications using computers, including
domestic phone calls, via keyword searches.

o Circumvention of domestic spy laws via friendly "foreign" agents



How chilling to think the military has set up
a real-life domestic Orwellian spy apparatus.

Used repeatedly for political purposes.

ECHELON has almost no Military purpose left:
Russia is practically part of NATO now.

We must start dismantling ECHELON before it is too late.

6/3/97: Barnes & Noble informs me his book is no longer
available, and that my order is cancelled.


--- --- ---

Let's pause to take a look back at the first and still classic expose of NSA.

: The Puzzle Palace
: Inside the National Security Agency,
: America's most secret intelligence organization
: Author James Bamford, 1983 revision, ISBN 0-14-00.6748-5

Page numbers are from the above 1983 release.


P171-172: David Kahn, in a transatlantic phone call, reluctantly agreed to
delete a handful of paragraphs dealing with the most sensitive subject of
all: NSA's relationship with its supersecret British partner, GCHQ. "The
two agencies exchange personnel on a

Vernon Schryver
themselves, due to an expected
* repudiation of the Communications Decency Act by the Supreme Court.
* Reno's people, [beating the Drum of War] told the Supreme Court "the
* Internet was a revolutionary threat to children rendering irrelevant all
* prior efforts" to protect them from pornography.
* "We all knew at the time it was passed that the Communications Decency Act
* WAS UNCONSTITUTIONAL," said an anonymous senior government official [yea
* anonymity!].
* "This was purely politics."
* "How could you be against a bill limiting
* the display of pornography to children?"

Thank you once again, Free World Leaders,
for that intelligent political discourse.

On 6/26/97, CDA was ruled unconstitutional 7-2 by the Supreme Court.


Predatory behavior.

* The New York Times, April 19, 1992
* The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 ruling, overturned the conviction of a
* Nebraska farmer on charges of receiving child pornography. The only
* pornography the government found was the one item it sent him, "Boys
* Who Love Boys".
* It took the g

said just do a handoff now and leave.

I am upset. I was trying to be professional.

Boy, email is one cheap detective!

Anyway, that seems the full scoop.


********** end excerpt from 'Corruption at Salomon Brothers' **********

Notice my 'Boy, email is one cheap detective!' observation; Legal had talked
about hiring a private investigator prior to that.

The "perp" not only named his new job, he gave his full job description,
pay rates, and his personal thoughts on matters.

The case was accepted by NYC Assistant US Prosecutor Jeremy Temkin - the
person assigned the Citibank wire-transfer theft. He said they never figured
out who the inside person was.

The interesting thing was that it turns out the people who investigate for the
US attorneys are FBI agents. Every meeting we had included a couple FBI agents
taking notes and turns questioning.

The nice FBI personnel I dealt with were from the New York Computer Crime
Squad. Special Agents Steven N. Garfinkel and David P. Marziliano.

This posting isn't about the many good FBI and other law enforcement people.


The other FBI case involved transfer of Salomon technology to the ISP account
of an employee who had a

Mark Ferguson
* It does not.
* The satellites, indeed NASA and the entire American Space Program, exist
* largely to supply the NSA with its telecommunications system. That is why
* the bulk of its operations are officially declared 'secret'. This
* ultimate 'Big Brother' machine even has an official name 'Project
* Platform'.

"The Puzzle Palace": all these computer systems are linked together
under Project Platform. The first Cray went to the NSA. p138

* Although the NSA was officially formed in 1952, it grew out of an
* International Agreement signed in 1947. Officially termed the "UKUSA
* PACT," this was an agreement between Britain, the U.S.A., Canada, New
* Zealand, Australia and the NATO countries.
* The UKUSA PACT was, quite simply and bluntly, an agreement between these
* countries to collect and collate information on their respective citizens
* and to share this information with each other and pass on to Fort Meade.
* On March 9th 1977, the Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Bill Hayden, asked
* "questions on notice" on the

Vernon Schryver
CommMaker IE cancellation: <[Email Removed]>

would amend the Federal False Id Act of 1982, to require
# a comprehensive identity scheme for the U.S., either THROUGH UPDATING
# EXISTING IDs TO BE MORE SECURE, UNIFYING THEM, or creating a new identity
# document for all Americans.


People will "demand" it...

Texe Marrs knows about politicians beating the Drum of War to control us...

* "Project L.U.C.I.D.", by Texe Marrs, 1996, ISBN 1-884302-02-5
* These changes are necessary, we are reminded each day by our mind control
* jailers in the media, to solve the immigration crises, to institute gun
* control, to counter domestic terrorism, to fight pornography [Texe Marrs
* is now a Christian preacher!], to find deadbeat dads who don't pay child
* support, to "Save Mother Earth",
"The Feds Under Our Beds", By James Bovard, The New York Times, 9/6/1995

The Superfund program epitomizes the Government's contempt for fairness.
E.P.A. lawyers have gone after Boy Scout troops, public schools and pizza
parlors, claiming the organizations can be held responsible for multi-
million-dollar cleanup costs of Superfund sites---even though they may
have sent only one or two loads of HARMLESS junk to the CONTAMINATED site.

The agency found an Oklahoma tuxedo rental store liable for cleanup costs
of an entire site, simply because the owner had paid a trash hauler $14 to
carry a load of refuse to the dump.
* to war against kingpins, to stop crime in the streets,

Mark Ferguson
I am cancelling <[Email Removed]>

And how did they justify it?

Here is an example of our law enforcement's attitudes toward marijuana:

* "Above the Law", by David Burnham, ISBN 0-684-80699-1, 1996
* FBI Director William S. Sessions, questioned by the Senate Judiciary
* Committee in March 1986, acknowledged that he once told one of his
* assistants that he thought several Ku Klux Klan members accused of
* lynching a black man "were OK until I learned they smoked pot".

This is a historically consistent view espoused by Government officials:

# "60 Years of Reefer Madness", High Times Magazine, July 1997
# 1937: Harry Anslinger, head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, read into
# official testimony (without objection) before Congress, stories of
# "coloreds" with big lips seducing white women with jazz and marijuana,
# claiming that 50% of all violent crime by blacks and Latino immigrants
# has been traced directly to marijuana.

* "Phantom Numbers Haunt the War on Drugs"
* By Christopher S. Wren, The New York Times, April 20, 1997
* Politicians are said to use statistics the way drunks use lampposts: for
* support rather then illumination. The aphorism seems more apt for the War
* on Drugs, which abounds with statistical lampposts that shed little light
* on the nation's preoccupation with illegal substances.
* When sensibly vague estimates based on the little that is known won't
* suffice, law enforcement officials oblige constituents with numbers that
* one police officer characterized as "P.F.A.," or "pulled from the air."
* When the State Department's annual survey said Mexico's annual marijuana
* production in 1989 was 30,200 tons, it was PFA.
* Assuming half the production makes it into the U.S., half the population
* between 15 and 40 in this country would have had to smoke a joint a day.
* By 1996 t

<CAcanB0fE$BcbibeCYb$[Email Removed]> cancelled by original poster "Viper" <[Email Removed]>

* Main Justice, by Jim McGee and Brian Duffy, 1996, ISBN 0-684-81135-9
* The FBI had been spying on members of the civil rights movement.
* There had been burglaries and illegal wiretapping on a grand scale.
* The FBI obtained recordings of Martin Luther King in embarrassing
* conversations. Agents assembled the most graphic of these recordings
* on a single tape that was circulated to senior government officials
* and newspaper editors.

# "The Emperor Wears No Clothes", by Jack Herer, 1992, ISBN 1-878125-00-1
# FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover monitored Martin Luther King's life
# for five years and, in the MOST SICK situation, deliberately drove
# actress Jean Seburg to suicide with terrible ongoing federal letters
# and information fed to tabloids exposing her pregnancies and private
# dates with Negroes.

That's an overt use. Worse than that:

They can insidiously enter your life: Qubilah Shabazz was seduced.
Like Bill Murray elaborately seducing Andie MacDowell in 'Groundhog Day'
they can enter your life in an almost unconscious manner. Informants
manage to connect to criminals by running into them in the right place,
saying the right things.

It's the 1990s now:
Only, as we have seen, informants connecting to criminals means the FBI
targeting Randy Weaver WHO HAD NO CRIMINAL RECORD for blackmail. Anyone
can be made a criminal in the monitoring net. Or seduced into a "crime",
like Qubilah Shabazz. Without you realizing it, the person you met was
taking advantage of knowing all your most passionate likes and dislikes.

It is INSANE to design our systems for government

Mark Ferguson
Within a few months the spy agency was sorting through all the
conversations it was already acquiring for general intelligence

Of course, the technicians were required to acquire, monitor, and
discard a large number of calls made by people with no connection
with the business in South American cities.

But so pleased was Mr. Ingersoll with the tips he was getting from the
dragnet monitoring that he ultimately persuaded the NSA to monitor
simultaneously nineteen other U.S. communication hubs.


* "Project L.U.C.I.D.", continued...
* Fort Meade is the hub of an information gathering octopus whose tentacles
* reach out to the four corners of the earth.
* The principal means of communicating this information is by the National
* Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA) satellite communications
* system, which most people erroneously think exists primarily for the
* space program.
* It does not.
* The satellites, indeed NASA and the entire American Space Program, exist
* largely to supply the NSA with its telecommunications system. That is why
* the bulk of its operations are officially declared 'secret'. This
* ultimate 'Big Brother' machine even has an official name 'Project
* Platform'.

"The Puzzle Palace": all these computer systems are linked together
under Project Platform. The first Cray went to the NSA. p138

* Although the NSA was officially formed in 1952, it grew out of an
* International Agreement signed in 1947. Officially termed the "UKUSA
* PACT," this was an agreement between Britain, the U.S.A., Canada, New
* Zealand, Australia and the NATO countries.
* The UKUSA PACT was, quite simply and bluntly, an agreement between these
* countries to collect and collate information on their respective citizens
* and to sha

Mark Ferguson
by David Burnham, ISBN 0-684-80699-1, 1996
* At 4:00 A.M. on December 4, 1969, for example, a special fourteen-man
* squad of Chicago police officers raided a house used by the Black
* Panther Party. During the shoot-first-ask-questions-later raid, police
* fired at least ninety-eight rounds into the apartment. Illinois chairman
* Fred Hampton and Peoria chairman Mark Clark were killed.
* An FBI informant gave the bureau specific information about where
* Hampton was probably sleeping, and a detailed floor plan of the house
* which the special squad used during its raid.
* Thirteen years later, in November 1982, District Court Judge John F.
* Grady determined that there was sufficient evidence of an FBI-led
* conspiracy to deprive the Panthers of their civil rights, and awarded
* the plaintiffs $1.85 million in damages.

: 5/30/97 MSNBC
: After more than a quarter of a century in prison, a Black Panther
: activist has won the right to a new trial. A judge ruled there had
: been prosecutorial misconduct. The judge overturned the conviction
: when it was disclosed the government prosecutors withheld critical
: evidence:
: o They never said the informer was working with and paid by
: the FBI.
: o A former FBI agent also agrees with his alibi: that he was
: in the Black Panther HQ at the time of the murder. That the
: FBI knew this because they were monitoring the HQ.
: o And the jury never knew the eyewitness, who has since died,
: had misidentified people in other cases.
: He has been turned down for parole 16 times, and had been in prison
: longer than most murderers.
: 6/10/97 MSNBC: Mr. Pratt has been freed over the U

Charles Sweeney
's worth saying again:

A more 'unremitting technological attack' could not be described!


Cybernetic control of society
---------- ------- -- -------

You are about to encounter the true use of the 'cyber' prefix.

Cybernetics is a cross-disciplinary science. The name was coined by
Norbert Wiener [pron. whiner], who was a professor of mathematics at
MIT, and did radar and firing-feedback mechanisms for the U.S. in
World War II. Cybernetics describes the complex of sciences dealing
with communication and control in the living organism AND in the
machine. Its application is sometimes called operations research.

I personally rank Norbert Wiener above Albert Einstein.

Operations research is a difficult discipline --- I certainly don't understand
it --- but when it was desperately needed during World War II, the U.S. Dept.
of War went for it gung-ho, rightfully. Signals intelligence (SIGINT) is the
first step...the NSA grew out of these wartime operations research efforts.

To seek out information from noise, then act on the information.

Target accuracy for precision high altitude bombing requires
a complex feedback mechanism to control deployment (pre-GPS WW II).

* My dad:
* Norden bombsights revolutionized aerial bombing.
* They were so accurate we stopped putting explosives
* in the bombs and just aimed for people.

Communications, Command and Control. The above wasn't really the best
example of OR, but I did get to quote my dad again. ;-)

* "The Future of War - Power, Technology, and American World Dominance in
* the 21st Century", by George & Meredith Friedman, 1996, ISBN 0-517-70403-X
* A discipline named operations research had begun to develop prior to

of Book on Poppy Cultivation Cleared of Charge"
: By Carey Goldberg, The New York Times, May 25 1997
: "What happened to me was designed to silence me," said Jim Hogshire, "and
: to some extent it did a good job of that because for the next year or more
: I was wrapped up with this case."
: Two years before his arrest he had written a book called "Opium for the
: Masses" (Loompanics Unlimited, 1994) which includes how-to sections on
: producing and ingesting opium.
: His writings were the sole reason [stated in this article here] for the
: search warrant.
: He faced federal charges for possessing flowers.
: In their fresh form, the illegal poppies, known as Papaver Somniferum,
: grace gardens all over the country with vibrant colors. Bouquets of the
: prohibited poppies can sometimes be found in supermarkets.
: Mr. Hogshire was arrested for possession of dried poppy pods which can be
: bought in most any florist's shop or craft store.
: The charges have finally been dropped.
: Prosecution is so rare his story made the cover of Harper's magazine.
: One police officer told him:
: "With what you write, weren't you expecting this?"

* "Project L.U.C.I.D.", by Texe Marrs, 1996, ISBN 1-884302-02-5
* Individuals who have been arrested and their property seized will then be
* transported with other dissidents to a Federal Prison Transfer Center f

Mark Ferguson
"helpdesk" for his distribution of SYBASE-MODE.

Furthermore, he has stated:

o he would like to leave Salomon

o would leave for half of his currently salary
to work fulltime on his WWW business.

His activities are clearly costly and detrimental to Salomon Brothers.

# # #####
# # # #
####### #
# # ##### Brain himself says Salomon allows him to
####### # spend a lot of time on his business venture.
# # #
# # #######

date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 10:52:13 -0400
From: bob@tridenthead2 (Bob Brain nnn-nnnn)
To: [Email Removed] (Tom Trigger)
subject: Re: Kruger?

Trigger> If BTO didn't let you spend a lot of time working on your
Trigger> own business, I'd have said leave ASAP. What a lousy place.

Could I keep getting 30%+ raises at other places? I should really turn

Yeah, I have it real easy now, plenty of time to work on my own business
during the day. Great benefits here!



Steve Sobol
nn cancel: <eaaef3$[Email Removed]>

* to break the codes of anyone using the machines.
* Thus, Fort Meade was able to listen in on the coded military and
* diplomatic traffic of the more than 130 countries that were Crypto
* A.G. customers.

Initially, the NSA tried to say they couldn't decrypt Key Recovery
impaired traffic on the fly:

! The New York Times, December 29, 19??, by David Burnham
! "Vast Coding of Data is Urged to Hamper Electronic Spies"
! Because the National Security Agency is actively involved in the
! design [of Key Recovery cryptography], the agency will have the
! technical ability to decipher the messages.
! Walter G. Deeley, NSA deputy director for communications security
! said, "It is technically possible for the Government to read such
! messages, but it would be insane for it to do so. It would be an
! extraordinarily expensive undertaking and would require a massive
! increase in computer power."

Probably since noone believed that, they admitted it, and said why they
needed to decrypt in real-time:

# Encryption and Law Enforcement
# Dorothy E. Denning
# Georgetown University
# February 21, 1994
# To implement lawful interceptions of encrypted communications, they
# need a real-time or near real-time decryption capability in order
# to keep up with the traffic and prevent potential acts of violence.
# Since there can be hundreds of calls a day on a tapped line, any
# solution that imposes a high overhead per call is impractical.

And if uncrackable crypto were in widespread use within the U.S., the
FBI would demand that it be outlawed. For 'public safety and national

: * "Above the Law"
: * ISBN 0-684-80699-1, 1996
: * by David Burnham
: *

Scott Wertz
humans. Tim Willard, the then- executive officer of
* the World Future Society and managing editor of its monthly magazine.
* The Futurist, noted that with a little refinement, the microchip could be
* used in a number of human applications. He stated: "Conceivably, a number
* could be assigned at birth and go with a person throughout life."
* The article continued: "Most likely, he added, it woud be implanted on
* the back of the right or left hand for convenience, `so that it would
* be easy to scan....It could be used as a universal identification card
* that would replace credit cards, passports, that sort of thing. At the
* checkout stand at a supermarket, you would simply pass your hand over
* a scanner and your bank account would automatically be debited."

There it is again: people talking about assigning
everyone a biometric identifying number at birth.


# Privacy Journal, By Robert Ellis Smith, June 1994 issue
# The Hughes Aircraft Company is selling a tiny transponder for injection
# under the skin of laboratory animals. Hughes has also moved into "the
# human market."
# Effective this year, the federal Food and Administration requires
# every breast implant carry a transponder chip with a unique identifying
# number. A hand-held scanner can read the number much like a supermarket
# scanner.
# The reason the government gave for the transponder was that both the doctor
# and patient might lose track of what kind of breast implant was installed,
# and so if a certain model had a recall, they could tell what was installed.
# The American Textile Partnership, a research consortium linked to the U.S.
# Department of Energy, is sponsoring a research called "Embedded Electronic
# Fingerprint" to develop a transponder the size of a grain of wheat that

Eric Jarvis
Article <[Email Removed]> canceled by Eric Jarvis <[Email Removed]>

be kept out of
the Armed Forces.

How about requiring all new enlistees to agree they can handle being near
homosexuals before joining...eventually removing all the people upper
Military management claims cannot handle them: within five years drop
the persecution of homosexuals.

It's that "simple".


Part 4: Why unlimited cryptography must be legislated NOW
---- - --- --------- ------------ ---- -- ---------- ---

o Key Recovery Means No Cryptography
o Key Recovery Isn't Even Feasible
o Government Steamroller
o Feds' Wacky Pro-GAK Logic
- Business Will Demand It
- To Safeguard Your Privacy

* C-SPAN [U.S. Congressional television coverage], Friday June 20, 1997
* Marc Andreessen, Netscape Co-founder
* "The McCain-Kerrey bill is completely flawed. Unlimited strength crypto
* has been available for years worldwide over the Internet and from some
* companies. Terrorists and other criminals already have it.
* The genie is out of the bottle.
* The only thing the McCain-Kerrey bill does is cripple American companies'
* abilities to compete worldwide."

As FBI director Louis Freeh said: "We are at a crossroads."

Indeed we are.

Scott Dorsey
Microsoft-Entourage user [Email Removed] (Scott Dorsey) requests cancellation of <aac60f$[Email Removed]>.

use computers to monitor thousands and thousands
and thousands and thousands of phone calls simultaneously, as they
said they would do with the bill, when we Americans speak so many
different accents and languages?

Answer: Thirty years of fine tuning by the NSA, y'all.

The Digital Telephony Act will allow them to legally - at full
wiretapping capacity - dragnet-monitor the telephone network.

Each line monitored will not require a warrant.

And how did they get this CALEA legislation?

* "Government Access", by Jim Warren
* At the administration's pleading, the [Democrat-controlled] Congress
* rammed it through in less than two months, with no substantive hearings.
* Literally in the dark of night, without debate, it passed in the house
* by voice vote and two nights later by unanimous consent in the Senate,
* only minutes before adjourning to rush home for their important work:
* campaigning for re-election.

The NSA domestic watch-list is probably already stuffed
full enough to use the complete CALEA capacity.

You can select many more lines for monitoring than actually end up active
at the same time. The effect is indistinguishable from a MUCH larger
monitoring capacity.

Even greater when the software programmatically decides (at the FBI end) which
conversations to continue listening to.

I'm sure law-enforcement will be able to dynamically configure their
connection to the phone companies'

Titan wrote:
microchip could be
*  used in a number of human applications. He stated: "Conceivably, a number
*  could be assigned at birth and go with a person throughout life."
*  The article continued: "Most likely, he added, it woud be implanted on
*  the back of the right or left hand for convenience, `so that it would
*  be easy to scan....It could be used as a universal identification card
*  that would replace credit cards, passports, that sort of thing. At the
*  checkout stand at a supermarket, you would simply pass your hand over
*  a scanner and your bank account would automatically be debited."

There it is again: people talking about assigning
everyone a biometric identifying number at birth.


#  Privacy Journal, By Robert Ellis Smith, June 1994 issue
#  The Hughes Aircraft Company is selling a tiny transponder for injection
#  under the skin of laboratory animals. Hughes has also moved into "the
#  human market."
#  Effective this year, the federal Food and Administration requires
#  every breast im

Who in the heck sent this ?? I did not but it has my name on it.


Steve Sobol
* "Project L.U.C.I.D.", by Texe Marrs, 1996, ISBN 1-884302-02-5
* These changes are necessary, we are reminded each day by our mind control
* jailers in the media, to solve the immigration crises, to institute gun
* control, to counter domestic terrorism, to fight pornography [Texe Marrs
* is now a Christian preacher!], to find deadbeat dads who don't pay child
* support, to "Save Mother Earth",
"The Feds Under Our Beds", By James Bovard, The New York Times, 9/6/1995

The Superfund program epitomizes the Government's contempt for fairness.
E.P.A. lawyers have gone after Boy Scout troops, public schools and pizza
parlors, claiming the organizations can be held responsible for multi-
million-dollar cleanup costs of Superfund sites---even though they may
have sent only one or two loads of HARMLESS junk to the CONTAMINATED site.

The agency found an Oklahoma tuxedo rental store liable for cleanup costs
of an entire site, simply because the owner had paid a trash hauler $14 to
carry a load of refuse to the dump.
* to war against kingpins, to stop crime in the streets, to watch and
* monitor the militias, to put an end to hate crimes and bigotry,
"The Feds Under Our Beds", By James Bovard, The New York Times, 9/6/1995

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission went after a small metal shop
that it claimed hired too many Hispanic and Polish-American workers and
not enough blacks. The panel forced the company to run advertisements in
Chicago newspapers inviting blacks to file claims for compensation, EVEN

Several of the 451 people who filed claims had been IN PRISON at the time
of the company's alleged discrimination, but the commission FORCED the
company to give them WINDFALL PAYOUTS anyhow.


Scott Dorsey
enough to use data encryption would be stupid
* enough to choose the U.S. Government's compromised data encryption
* standard:
* "You shouldn't overestimate the I.Q. of crooks."

...which is also apparently their view of the American public.




And what was a critical public safety and national security
item the FBI insisted on in the first version of CALEA?

They wanted all cellular phones to continually monitor
the location of the owner, EVEN WHEN NOT IN USE.

Every cellular phone would become a location
tracking monitor for the government.

And why would this be a critical public safety and national security item?


The NSA/FBI are raving rabid frothing-at-the-mouth lying looneys.

I hope you understand that

Police State powers...

: The NYC police burst into the apartment, looking for drugs.
: In one room was a lone four-year-old black child.
: Four years old.
: The NYC Police officer took his gun and held it to the tiny child's head.
: NBC NewsChannel 4, showing the cutest little kid, talking hesitantly,
: "The Police man put the gun to my head, I was very a-scared!"

* "1984", author George Orwell, 1949, ISBN 0-679-41739-7
* Hardly a week passed in which the Times did not carry a paragraph
* describing how some eavesdropping little sneak --- 'child hero' was
* the phrase generally used --- had overheard some compromising remark
* and denounced his parents to the Thought Police.

# "The Emperor Wears No Clothes", by Jack Herer, 1992, ISBN 1-878125-00-1
# The Police-taught DARE program encourages students to turn in
# friends and family by becoming a police informant.

: Real life: a child in school answers the friendly and inquiring police
: officer teaching about dangers that yes their parents have some
: of the displayed paraphernalia.
: A search warrant is issued, the parents are arrested, and
: the child is put into custody of Child Welfare workers.

# "The Feds Under Our Beds", By James Bovard, The New York Times, 9/6/1995
# The Justice Department confiscated the home of an elderly Cuban-American
# couple in Miami after the couple was arrested for playing host to a weekly
# poker game for family and friends.

* "Nynex Mistake Brings Scholarship Offer", NYT, 4/26/1995
* Walter Ray Hill, 18, was arrested and jailed for two days based solely on
* his phone number being used for a hoax bomb threat.
* N

Steve Sobol
This message was cancelled from within Mozilla.

5th, 1997
* Andrew Grove, Chairman & CEO of Intel Corporation, is asked whether
* bomb-making information should be censored from the Internet.
* "No. The same information is available in libraries, and we don't
* censor libraries, nor should we. When I was thirteen I built a
* nitroglycerin bomb. It was an incredibly stupid thing to do,
* and I knew someone who had their hand blown off, but I am
* adamantly against censoring such material."
* "And unlike a library, a parent can buy a program that uses keyword
* monitoring to disallow Internet traffic per the parents' wishes.
* Such a program is available now, and costs only $29."

I think I looked at it for all of 30 seconds before putting in my bookshelf.
I don't remember the bomb-making details in it. I have a vague impression of a
lot of squiggly lines, suitable for a really bad coloring book. I also
purchased a variety of odd privacy-related publications from Eden Press.

What is the Official Federal Dangerous Book List?
What books did they check on for their 'Library Awareness Program'?
How was it determined these books made people dangerous?
Who approved this Fahrenheit 451 persecuted-for-books program?

The Thought Police had testified in court against Ed Cummings.

The judge rules on whether Ed is guilty of probation violation:

The judge determined that a probation violation had indeed taken place
and that Cummings should be held and a sentencing date scheduled within
60 days. The judge had just done the same thing for a man who had just
committed his third DWI offense. In fact, he had killed someone. The
judge ordered that person held on $50,000 bail. Ed C

Charles Sweeney
On Monitoring
-- ----------

I am a traffic analysis person.

Internet email. Company spook.


The bad news: getting people fired.

The good news: really great Internet humor is picked up too.

From the land of "Put the shrimp on the barby, Marlene:"

I was travelling on a tram the other day and in one seat
there was an old digger (Australian soldier or ex soldier)
reading his newspaper.

Across from him was a juvenile with a spikey mohawk haircut
coloured pink, green, orange and yellow.

The old digger kept looking over his newspaper at him.

Finally the young bloke spat the dummy, and yelled at the
elderly gent, "What the f......k are you looking at you silly
old bastard, haven't you ever done anything outrageous yourself ?

As cool as a cucumber the old digger put down his paper and said,

"I screwed a parrot once, and I was wondering if you were my son"

Actually, I consider the people to have fired themselves.

It's weird when you're on the controlling side: I almost started putting
skull stickers on my terminal for each 'kill'. Thought it would be funny.

(Real Country Song Title:)

I'm Just A Bug On The Windshield Of Life

Tom and Linda were driving their car behind Lorena Bobbit on
the day she cut her husband's penis off. When she threw it out
the window, it hit Tom's windshield.

Tom turned the windshield wipers on, cleared the mess, turned
to Linda and said, "Did you see the dick on that bug?"

For the past two years on Wall Street, I have

Scott Dorsey
Hydra cancel: <cac7e5%0ca%[Email Removed]>

Infrastructure across the United States...
* I want 75 of our largest metropolitan areas outfitted with a complete
* Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure in 10 years. And let us make a
* similar commitment to upgrading technology in 450 other communities, our
* rural roads, and interstates, as the need warrants...
* The vehicles of the future, whether cars, planes, or trains, will have
* state-of-the-art communications systems. We must ensure that our roads
* and highways and transit systems are able to keep pace with them.
* Today, I'm announcing the award of five contracts to standards development
* organizations to begin fast tracking the development of those standards.
* They are: AASHTO, IEEE, ITE, ASTM, and SAE. [So the standards of hardware
* and information are interchangeable and global.]


# Subject: ---> Big Bro and the Intelligent Transportation System <---
# From: [Email Removed] (Extremely Right)
# Date: 1997/06/03
# If you live in a big city you will find that there is an interesting
# proliferation of cameras pointed at the freeway. Do you know what they
# are, what they can do, and what is their potential for abuse?
# The System is called the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and you
# may find it everywhere on the net. The cameras are linked to a city
# control room, who are supposed to use them to improve traffic flow. The
# cameras are "uplinked" to the net, to satellites, and I suppose to the
# United States Transportation Command at Scott AFB or some other
# centralized information storage base. Software is being harmonized so that
# on the net you may find many countries adopting a GLOBAL ITS. The toys
# being developed by the various planners including MIT will be able to
# track your travel, monitor your vehi

* Perhaps FBI Director Louis Freeh said it best shortly after his
* appointment to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1993. Referring
* to the incredible array of computerized control and battle gadgetry
* available to federal law enforcement, Freeh, stressing cooperation
* between his own FBI and the other alphabet police agencies, sardonically
* remarked, "LET'S SHARE OUR TOYS."
* Dick Tracy, of course, was a good guy. But Dick Tracy would have
* recognized as unconstitutional the worldwide comprehensive Orwellian
* system that has been installed, and reject it as a menace to true law
* and order.

! "Welfare Recipients Lose Benefits Through Glitches in Computers"
! By Joe Sexton, The New York Times, 5/16/96
! The fingerprint-imaging system that is a central element of the Giuliani
! administration's effort to crack down on welfare fraud has resulted in
! hundreds of recipients cases being closed.
! The public advocate's office has been inundated with complaints from
! improper case closings.
! The failure seems to stem from the local offices not transmitting the
! fingerprints to Albany's central computer. This resulted in AUTOMATICALLY


Prior to the fingerprint "final solution" of control over us, there were
other attempts---which would have required a vote---which tried to roll
out a National ID Card.

* "Project L.U.C.I.D.", by Texe Marrs, 1996, ISBN 1-884302-02-5
* Since total and absolute control can be obtained only by a Police State
* bureaucracy, efforts have escalated in recent y

Mark Ferguson
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the Reverand Ralph Abernathy, Black
Panther leader Eldridge Cleaver, and Chicago Seven defendants Abbie Hoffman
and David T. Dellinger.

A frightening side effect of the watch list program was the tendency of most
lists to grow, expanding far beyond their original intent. This multiplier
effect was caused by the inclusion of names of people who came in contact
with those persons and organizations already on the lists.

Because of the NSA's vacuum cleaner approach to intelligence collection ---
whereby it sucks into its system the maximum amount of telecommunications and
then filters it through an enormous screen of "trigger words" --- analysts end
up reviewing telephone calls, telegrams, and telex messages to and from
thousands of innocent persons having little or nothing to do with the actual
focus of the effort.

And when a person made the
watch list, any conversations


that person are scooped up.

P333: By now, the names of U.S. citizens on NSA's many watch lists for
fighting the war had grown from the hundreds into the thousands.

Even when Noel Gayler took over as Director of the NSA in August 1969,
NSA personnel waited a year or so before briefing eve

Scott Dorsey
in five years to go from $700 each to a mere $10 and
* take only hours or minutes to accomplish.


Something odd is going on; apparently the government is building L.U.C.I.D.

# "Computer Enlisted in War", By Sam Meddis, USA Today, 1/15/1990
# A new FBI computer will monitor the activities of suspected people
# and open a new era of cooperation between U.S. agencies. It will draw
# it's information from many different sources. It can respond to spoken
# commands and display SATELLITE SURVEILLANCE PHOTOS. [What??? NRO!!!]
# The system lists suspect's names and stores data on their cars, travel,
# businesses, phones, FAMILY RELATIONS, meetings, assets and places they

* "Project L.U.C.I.D.", by Texe Marrs, 1996, ISBN 1-884302-02-5
* Congressman Neal Smith (Iowa), in his local constituent newsletter,
* discussing the subject of handgun control, boasted:
* The Subcommittee on Appropriations which I chair had been actively
* pursuing an effective solution to this problem...but the program we
* are implementing will take time [i.e. rolling out fingerprinting to
* all citizens receiving government benefits, like driver's licenses,
* Medicaid, Welfare]. The solution to screening to have
* a National [Identification] Center co

Gossip 0.13beta sent cancel for <[Email Removed]>

brings up a subtopic:

Burn Baby Burn
---- ---- ----

I was watching MSNBC's "Time and Again" with Jane Pauley, and they went over
the Patty Hearst kidnapping by the "Symbionese Liberation Army".

The terrorists kept Ms. Hearst locked in a closet so small she couldn't move.

They would play games with her head, like suddenly dragging her out of the
closet, hold a gun to her head, and sometimes pull the trigger (on an empty

Then they started screwing her. Again and again.

They took complete control of a sweet young college kid. The government knows
how that works. Yet the government charged her with bank robbery even though
she was under their mental control.

She had renounced her rich parents and taken a new name.

Happens all the time.

The FBI called her a 'common criminal'.

Then put her on their Top Ten Wanted List.

Maybe they thought she had taken Terrorism 101 at school and
ambitiously decided to start robbing banks of her own accord.

Anyway, there was an episode before they caught her where six
members of the SLA were armed and wholed up

cancel <[Email Removed]>


* Main Justice, by Jim McGee and Brian Duffy, 1996, ISBN 0-684-81135-9
* And it was not just the FBI. The CIA, the Pentagon and the National
* Security Agency [Military] had all turned their intelligence-gathering
* capabilities on American citizens.

And who was targeted?

Qubilah Shabazz, second oldest daughter of Malcom X.

* Both Sides in Shabazz Case Say Tapes Prove Their Point
* by Don Terry, The New York Times, April 1995
* Ms. Shabazz was indicted on Jan 11 on nine counts of using the telephones
* and travelling across state lines to hire a hit man to kill Mr. Farrakhan.
* Eight of the counts involved taped telephone calls between Ms. Shabazz and
* Mr. Fitzpatrick, a addict who faces a possible five-year prison
* sentence in an unrelated case. [read: blackmailed]
* Of the 40 recorded conversations, 38 were initiated by Mr. Fitzpatrick.
* "Most of the conversations during these calls consisted primarily of
* remarks by Mr. Fitzpatrick." said defense lawyer Wi

": his latitude, longitude
* and elevation to within a few feet anywhere on the planet.
* The April 2nd, 1989 Marin Independent Journal discussed the theory of
* biochip implants in humans. Tim Willard, the then- executive officer of
* the World Future Society and managing editor of its monthly magazine.
* The Futurist, noted that with a little refinement, the microchip could be
* used in a number of human applications. He stated: "Conceivably, a number
* could be assigned at birth and go with a person throughout life."
* The article continued: "Most likely, he added, it woud be implanted on
* the back of the right or left hand for convenience, `so that it would
* be easy to scan....It could be used as a universal identification card
* that would replace credit cards, passports, that sort of thing. At the
* checkout stand at a supermarket, you would simply pass your hand over
* a scanner and your bank account would automatically be debited."

There it is again: people talking about assigning
everyone a biometric identifying number at birth.


# Privacy Journal, By Robert Ellis Smith, June 1994 issue
# The Hughes Aircraft Company is selling a tiny transponder for injection
# under the skin of laboratory animals. Hughes has also moved into "the
# human market."
# Effective this year, the federal Food and Administration requires
# every breast implant carry a transponder chip with a

Mark Ferguson
This message was cancelled from within Mozilla.

accuracy for precision high altitude bombing requires
a complex feedback mechanism to control deployment (pre-GPS WW II).

* My dad:
* Norden bombsights revolutionized aerial bombing.
* They were so accurate we stopped putting explosives
* in the bombs and just aimed for people.

Communications, Command and Control. The above wasn't really the best
example of OR, but I did get to quote my dad again. ;-)

* "The Future of War - Power, Technology, and American World Dominance in
* the 21st Century", by George & Meredith Friedman, 1996, ISBN 0-517-70403-X
* A discipline named operations research had begun to develop prior to World
* War II that aspired to use quantitative methodologies to develop a science
* of management. [snip]
* For the physicists and mathematicians of the Rand Corporation, the
* intuitions of common sense were utterly insufficient as a guide to
* management. Mathematical precision was necessary, and operations
* research promised to supply that precision. [snip]
* It had not jumped from the management of particular, limited areas of
* warfare to the structuring of entire campaigns and wars. Operations
* research had not penetrated to the very marrow of conventional warfare,
* that is, not until an attempt was made in 1961 to revolutionize the idea
* of war. This was done by an industrialist named Robert McNamara, who had
* been president at Ford Motor Company.

Stafford Beer is a British cybernetician, and a 'research philosopher'.

In 1970, a Dr. Salvador Allende became president of Chile.

He was a democratically elected Marxist, with 37% of the vote.

Allende immediately embarked on a massive nationalization of
the banks and major companies/industries in Chile.

In 1971, Stafford Beer began a proje

Scott Dorsey
sand with shapely U.S. servicewomen
dressed in unusual military attire: bras, shorts and high heels.

NOFORN level security for IRAQI cartoons. Clueless autopilot secrecy.

The ultimate in bureaucratic capture:

# "Failures of Leadership on Land Mines", NYT editorial, 6/21/97
# Land mines are responsible for killing 10,000 people worldwide each year,
# most of them innocent civilians, including children.
# Never before has the momentum to ban all land mines been so strong. A high
# percentage of battlefield casualties among American troops are by mines.
# Yet President Clinton and Vice President Gore are meekly yielding to the
# wrongheaded opposition of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, even though they
# claim to support the ban themselves.
# Even General Norman Schwarzkopf and pro-military Republican Senators like
# John McCain, Alfonse D'Amato and Chuck Hagel have all endorsed the ban.
# America's proud tradition of CIVILIAN CONTROL [a distant memory!] of the
# military gives the President responsibility for making the final decision.
# Mr. Clinton is shirking his responsibility.

The Military are in control of ALL KEY POLITICIANS.

They do so via Secrecy and Scary Stories and ECHELON.

# "Covering Up Crimes", By Anthony Lewis, NYT, 5/5/97
# A Government official becomes aware that secret information shows
# corruption and criminality in a Federal agency.
# He wants to inform Congress, but he is forbidden to do so unless he first
# gets the approval of the

Charles Sweeney
to exchange
# information.
* Further memorandums state:
* There is a need to introduce international interception standards
* and "norms" for the telecommunications industry for carrying out
* interception orders in order to fight organized crime and for the
* protection of national security.
* Interception of telecommunications should reach all the way down
* to the design stage of the equipment.
* The next generation of satellite-based telecommunications systems
* should be able to "tag" each individual subscriber in view of a
* possibly necessary surveillance activity. All the new systems have
* to have the capability to place all individuals under surveillance.
HA Unfortunately, initial contacts with various consortia...has met with
HA the most diverse reactions, ranging from great willingness to
HA cooperate on the one hand, to an almost total refusal even to discuss
HA the question.
* It is very urgent for governments and/or legislative institutions to
* make the new consortia aware of their duties. The government will

Morely 'I drank what?' Dotes

This report concerns Internet public wire traffic.
Internet traffic is monitored for security and compliance purposes.

JobTalk Report N/NN/NN

Standard description:

JobTalk is the miscellaneous feedback report.

Usually no direct sender/recipient action is taken.

This JobTalk Report is dedicated to "resume hits", or people who in one
fashion or another indicate they are or might leave the Firm.

The last entry, "Firstname Lastname #13" is a "Security Incident Light"
because he is leaving the firm and has started to transmit code he has
labelled "Copyright Firstname Lastname #13" out of the Firm.
Notify his manager...

The people are:

Firstname Lastname #1
Firstname Lastname #2
Firstname Lastname #3
Firstname Lastname #4
Firstname Lastname #5
Firstname Lastname #6
Firstname Lastname #7
Firstname Lastname #8
Firstname Lastname #9

* Concerns about privacy were met with assurances that information about
* commuters' whereabouts would be released only under court subpoena.

People are buying the transponders because they eliminated the regular
discount tokens and moved the discount availability to E-Z Pass.


It does have a kind-of Singapore feel to it...being able to track cars.

Well, it's not like they're going to go nutcake and
install a monitoring grid over the entire metropolis.

They wouldn't do that, right?

: "Above the Law", by David Burnham, ISBN 0-684-80699-1, 1996
: In New York City, the FBI spent millions of dollars to install a permanent
: "fully-functional real-time physical tracking network."
: It should come as no surprise that the FBI did not announce this addition
: to its investigative bag of tricks: a citywide network of hidden sensing
: devices that pick up signals from a moving vehicle and immediately project
: the precise location on a large illuminated map located in the FBI's New
: York command post.
: When the FBI's technology head was asked how

Eric Jarvis
overturned the conviction last month, ruling that
: prosecutors failed to tell the defense that the key witness against
: Pratt was an infiltrator and paid informant for the FBI and police.
: *** This primary "witness" had claimed Pratt confessed!!! ***
: "It's madness in there," Pratt said after walking out of jail
: on $25,000 bail. "You have political prisoners on top of political
: prisoners. I'm only one of a great many that should be exposed,
: should be addressed."
: The same judge who presided over Pratt's original trial set him free.
: Johnny Cochran said Pratt spent the first eight years of his sentence
: in solitary confinement.

That's a long time to sit in jail just because the FBI didn't want to
reveal its monitoring operations, isn't it? It's 1997 now: same as it
ever was. And his imprisonment had the same slimy quality as the vicious
attack on Qubilah Shabazz, whom the government at first claimed they
"had enough on her to put her away for 90 years".

And just how do domestic civil rights organizations get labelled terrorist
or under the influence of foreign agents? Why was Qubilah Shabazz's father
considered a terrorist?

: "Secret and Sanctioned: Covert Operations and the American Presidency"
: by Stephen F. Knott, 1996, ISBN 0-19-510098-0
: Both presidents Johnson and Nixon had been convinced that Communist
: nations were bankrolling or directing the antiwar movement and had
: ordered investigations into this possibility.
: The CIA's investigations, which included operation CHAOS, found no
: evidence of external control or funding of the antiwar movement, the
: Black Panthers, or the Students for a Democratic Society.

* "The Rise of the

* HOMICIDES, including -related killings, as homicides committed by
* strangers, thus creating the impression that murder was becoming
* increasingly random. "Three Strikes" laws also skew the statistics.

---- Freeh, banging the Drums of War:

Prepared Statement of
Director Louis J. Freeh
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Before the Senate Judiciary Committee

June 4, 1997


* "The End of Ordinary Money, Part I", by J. Orlin Grabbe
* Ironically, the World Trade Center was subsequently bombed by a group
* that was already under FBI surveillance.


Charles Sweeney
leading us to Hell.
National ID cards are effectively being implemented without
needing to issue cards. The U.S. Government is trying to
monitor all phone calls and banking transactions, and have
all equipment worldwide designed for their monitoring. They
are bent on controlling the world to the point of there being
no crime left on the planet. Of course, democracy destroyed
is the direct result.


This publication advocates five major items:

o Passage of ProCode/SAFE legislation, allowing U.S. companies to
export unlimited strength cryptography, free from "Key Recovery".
Key Recovery means messages are no longer a secret, because the
Government has screwed around with it.

o Killing the CALEA legislation, which orders all communications
equipment be DESIGNED so the Government can spy on it.

o Dismantling domestic ECHELON, the Government listening in on our
domestic phone calls.

o A Cabinet-level U.S. Privacy Commission, with teeth.


The "average" American has no idea why cryptography is important to them.

It is the only way to begin preventing massive illegal domestic spying.

Currently, there are no restrictions on domestic use of unlimited strength
cryptography. That is not because the Government hasn't complained about
child pornographers or terrorists or other criminals who mig

Eric Jarvis
ignore <[Email Removed]>, cancelled.

Tom Petty wins MTV's highest video award, but they always censored the
word 'joint' in the video! MTV, the spirit of Rock'N'Roll...not.

Maybe they're just doing what they can: they played the word BACKWORDS
in the video...a British band was on trial in the U.S. a few years ago
charged with putting backward-playing lyrics on their album (acquitted).

But it's okay if Jay Leno shows a Clinton look-alike smoking a bong.

addicts can't get clean needles, furthering the AIDS epidemic.

# By Steven Wishnia, High Times Magazine, July 1997
# No federal action is planned to end the ban on federal funding for needle
# exchange programs by the Clinton Administration, despite mounting scienti-
# fic evidence that shooting up with unclean needles is the second most
# common risk behavior (40%) for HIV infection.
# It is a very cost-effective way of saving lives.
# SIX federally funded studies done between 1991 to 1995 concluded that
# needle exchange programs reduce HIV transmission and do not encourage
# use.
# Someone who spoke with Senator Arlene Spector said that "Noone's willing
# to take the political step."
# Instead, the biggest federal funding for AIDS prevention in 1996 went to
# programs urging teenagers to abstain from ["have outside marriage
# and you could DIE"].
# The National Institute of Health concluded: "The behavior placing the
# public health at greatest risk may be occurring in legislative and other
# decision making bodies. Millions of

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